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Nasihat Buat Diriku & Dirimu

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Nasihat Hari Ini : Kita perlu menjadi batu-bata yg menguatkan binaan, bukan batu-bata yg menghancurkan binaan. Maka, jadilah umat yang menguatkan agama, bukan menghancurkan agama.

Nasihat Hari Ini : Benarlah usaha itu tangga kejayaan. Tetapi jika tiada kesungguhan dan niat bukan kerana Allah, sama seperti anda menggunakan tangga untuk turun ke bawah.


"G! DOUBLE O! J! O! B! GOOD...JOB..!!GOOD JOB!GOOD JOB!!!ooooooOOOOOO....."yeah..that was a cheer that we have heard about a month ago.Spirit of sportmanship has overwhelmed the atmosphere.As all of us know,our faculty has won as a champion of interkuliyyah sports and recration that has been held starting from 17 January 2011.Congratulations for those who have participate.


SCIENCESS Basketball Team
copied from Maslin

Ilmuwan Islam: Ibn Sina

Ibnu Sina(Avicenna)

Ibnu Sina merupakan doktor Islam yangterulung.Sumbangannya dalam bidang perubatan bukan sahaja diperakui oleh dunia Islam tetapi jugaoleh para sarjana Barat. Nama sebenar Ibnu Sinaialah Abu Ali al-HussianIbnu Abdullah. Tetapi di Barat, beliau lebih dikenali sebagai Avicenna.

Belajar Untuk Peperiksaan Atau Ilmu?

Exam datang dan pergi. Itulah lumrah kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar di malaysia.When exam baru je nak start kita akan sibuk dengan study. Time nie lar baru nak tengok buku and notes. Ada juga students yang pergi kelas just nak tahu soalan bocor. Padahal before this tak pernah pergi kelas pun.

Tapi apabila exam dah berlalu, buku and notes pun ditinggalkan. Laptop plak yang become best friend. Layan movie sampai pagi. Nak release stress katakan. Tapi kalau difikirkan balik adakah kita belajar just for exam or ilmu?

The Miracles of "Selawat Nabi"

Apakah pentingnya selawat? Kenapa semua orang berselawat? Besar sangatkah selawat itu? Mari kita sama-sama selidik kebesaran selawat ini. Tak seronoklah berselawat bila kita tak tahu kelebihan-kelebihan selawat. Oleh itu, kali ini kita akan membincangkan tentang keajaiban selawat.

The Greatest Treasure of The Islamic World

Bila tibanya Maulidur Rasul, ramai umat Islam menyambutnya dengan penuh meriah untuk memeperingati hari tersebut... siap dengan perarakan,qasidah,selawat beramai-ramai,dan macam2 lagi.. Akan tetapi bila je musim maulidur rasul tamat, semua org dah lupa untuk memperingati Baginda.. kembali seperti sedia kala.. dah xda qasidah yg syahdu, gemaan selawat keatas Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w ..

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Did You Thank Allah for Your Eyesight?

An interesting article to highligt :

Did You Thank Allah for Your Eyesight?

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

New Batch, New Semester, New Experience & NEW BLOG!!!

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent The Merciful

The beginnings always are not so simple. But we have made this far. A half of this semester (Semester 2 2010/2011) has gone by. Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah. And every step that we took, is a one step ahead to a brighter future. That is, if we have done what is required to bring us there. Insya-Allah.

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